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The PM5 Gives you Choices

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Mar 21, 2023

PM5 on SkiErgThe Performance Monitor 5 (PM5) is the brain behind the Concept2 RowErg, SkiErg and BikeErg and offers reliable, accurate workout data, easy navigation, preprogrammed and custom workouts, heart rate monitoring capability, and games, to name a few. It's also compatible with a host of apps that can enhance your workout experience. Continue Reading ›

ErgData Feature: The Real Time Loop

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Feb 16, 2023

loopEver wished you could hop on your RowErg and there would be someone there to row with? Or maybe you've wanted to go for a ski on the SkiErg with a friend in another state? Perhaps you’re heading out for a ride on your BikeErg and just curious to see who else is out riding? The Real Time Loop on ErgData makes all these things possible! Continue Reading ›

ErgData: Five Ways to Use Favorites

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Dec 05, 2022


Our free app ErgData makes it easy to designate a workout as a “favorite” and quickly set it up next time. Just click the star at the top right. You can do this when you first set up the workout—or you can select any workout from your Logbook and make it a favorite. Once you have a workout in your Favorites list, you can quickly set it up with a single button push! Continue Reading ›

ErgData Supports Visually Impaired Users

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Nov 03, 2022

woman on rowergAs we developed the new release of our free app ErgData, it was important to us that our visually impaired users had full access to the app. To this end, we worked with members of the American Council of the Blind (ACB) as we developed the new release.

ACB helped us work toward best-in-class audio guidance and provided testing and feedback throughout our development process. We’re very grateful for the assistance and feedback we received from them. Continue Reading ›

ErgData Brings the WOD Right to Your PM5

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Aug 13, 2022

The Concept2 Workout of the Day (WOD) has been running for nearly 15 years. We started off providing three RowErg WODs (short, medium, long) that were only available on our website. Ten years ago, we added the ability to get the WODs delivered daily to your email, which proved to be really popular. Next, we added three separate WODs for the SkiErg, and then another three separate WODs for the BikeErg. Because of the way the system worked, it also meant that we often had an additional, different WOD again on social media. That’s a lot of WODs! Continue Reading ›

Training Plan Apps for Rowing, Skiing and Cycling

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May 27, 2021

asensei logo Concept2 offers many Plans and Resources to help guide your training; our Concept2 Training Guide can help you set up a plan that best fits your goals and activity levels. There are also many apps that can organize your training, suggest workouts, or even set up your monitor for you! This can keep your training handy; your daily workouts can be just a click away on your smartphone or tablet. Here’s a few of our favorites: Continue Reading ›

