Coming Soon! The 8th Annual SkiErg World Sprints

It’s less than 2 weeks away: the 8th Annual Concept2 SkiErg World Sprints will be held November 11-13, 2016.
This 1000-meter virtual race allows you to compare your time against others worldwide in a one-weekend showdown of SkiErg speed. There are age categories from 12 and under to 80+, and adaptive categories, too. This event is for everyone.
How it works: Race 1000 meters on the SkiErg at your club, school or home, November 11-13, 2016. Use the Pre-Set Distance Workout on the PM to set up the race and record your time. Post your time to the Concept2 online logbook by 5 p.m. ET (10 p.m. GMT) Monday, November 14, 2016. The winners of each age group will receive a special prize; prizes will also be awarded for the top three times in each age group. There will also be prizes for the top men and women in three adaptive categories: seated, standing and visually impaired.
Don’t have a SkiErg? Find one near you to participate. If you’re curious about how fast is fast, have a look at the current World Records and last year’s results. It’ll be good motivation for racing!
Note: SkiErg Sprints may be raced on either the original or the second generation SkiErg. For more information on the latest SkiErg, visit