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The 2020 Spring VIII Series

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Mar 27, 2020

When rowing seasons were cut short, we heard from coaches, student athletes and parents alike that continuing training as a team was of the utmost importance. Introducing the 2020 Spring VIII Series—a new virtual team challenge that allows athletes to compete as a crew of eight from the comfort of their own homes. We're hoping this challenge helps athletes to connect to their teams and coaches in an uncertain time.

While this challenge may not replace the thrill of on water racing, it does require similar teamwork to complete. So (virtually) grab teammates or club members and start a team! The series runs for five weeks starting April 6. Continue Reading ›

12 Erg and Body Weight Workouts

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Mar 20, 2020

As much as we all love our Concept2 equipment, sometimes we want to mix in other movements. Concept2 employees wrote up a few of their favorite body weight workouts—no other equipment needed besides your favorite Concept2 machine. Some of these workouts may list a specific erg as the ideal one for that workout, but any of them—a RowErg, SkiErg or BikeErg—can be substituted or combined for any of the workouts below. Continue Reading ›


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