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Concept2 Compatible Apps: Try Selfloops

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Dec 04, 2020

There are many ways that technology can add variety to your routine. In addition to our free app, ErgData, there are a number of apps that connect with the Performance Monitor 5 (PM5) via Bluetooth and ANT+. (If you have a PM2, PM3 or PM4, there still are a few options to consider which may require a cable or other additional device. The PM5 can also be retrofitted to all models.) Continue Reading ›

Short and Spicy Workouts from the Archives

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Oct 14, 2020

Here are some great, 30-minute workout ideas from our archives. From 1991 to 2003, Larry Gluckman served Concept2 as our Human Resource person--and everyone’s personal coach. Larry had coached numerous Olympic and National Team crews in the years before he joined Concept2, and went back to coaching after he left us. His workout wisdom is evergreen, and well worth reposting 25 years later—with a few updates to reflect that fact that we now have the SkiErg and BikeErg in addition to our RowErg.
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